Hannah Rose Carrol Harris, Umi Graham & Janelle Woo (Paradise Journal), Riana Head-Toussaint, Ryan Andrew Lee, Kate McGuinness, Nadia Odlum, Raven Pajarillaga and Ebony Secombe
Curated by
Kalanjay Dhir and Rebecca Gallo
Burramatta, where Pari is situated, is palpably, visibly changing at a rate that’s hard to comprehend. One of the earliest sites of first contact, it’s being rewritten again in concrete and steel. New buildings are shooting up, concrete trucks line the streets, road closures shift daily as new light rail tracks snake through the guts of town. The recent past is dug up, discarded and re-layered with concrete. Set and forget.
These artists deal with concrete - the material and the idea. From resource extraction to urban choreography, these works are soft and hard, deep and hilarious - often at the same time. Contradictory and complex: like this place, its histories, and our feelings about being here now.
Images by Document Photography
Riana Head-Toussaint’s artwork Animate Loading, and Ryan Andrew Lee’s artwork Wonnarua are powered by Lūpa Media Players. More information at